Commercial and industral infrastructures ✔ Office buildings✔ Shopping centers✔ Warehouses✔ Logistic centers✔ Industrial parks✔ Factories✔ Machine foundations✔ Parking lots Large floor areas can belifted without excavation We have repaired numerous commercial and industrial buildings with resin injections in Europe. Our group of companies have outstanding references. We have repaired floors and load bearing walls at shopping centers, fuel stations, factories, and office buildings. With TOPINJECT you have found a reliable partner for your projects.Turn to us with confidence! It is a common problem with commercial and industrial buildings that the concrete slabs are sinking or starting to rock. With the modern TOPINJECT technology it is possible to quickly and economically fix the floors in warehouses, factories or commercial premises, in such a way that the production or the customer traffic is only minimally effected. In commercial buildings our work can be organized so that it is performed from closing time till opening time, thereby the traffic is effected only a slightly or not at all. Typical TOPINJECT solutions Rocking or cracked concrete slabs We stabilize and lift concrete slabs Our group of companies has a tradition going back 15 years of stabilizing and re-leveling cracked and rocking slabs. The TOPINJECT Slab Lifting technology is especially suitable for solving these kinds of problems. We can say with assurance that there is no concrete slab problem we haven’t encountered. Several ten thousand square meters of slabs have been re-leveled or stabilized by us in Europe. A typical problem is that the slabs move independently at the dilation areas. For example when a vehicle or forklift rolls from one slab to the other. For this, injections performed along the dilation line near the surface (possibly with deeper injections also), can be a reliable solution. These type of jobs can be performed in a few hours per slab. The traffic displacement at commercial and industrial sites is minimal. Stabilization along dilation line When voids under the slabs are the problem, TOPINJECT represents an excellent solution. The slabs have to be drilled and injected only at few points per slab. We guarantee that the slabs will become stabile. The technology has proved itself on public roads as well. The structure of a concrete or asphalt road is different than an indoor concrete slab, yet when subsidence or cracks appear, it can be traced to the same causes. In both cases TOPINJECT is capable of eliminating the causes of the problem. Stabilizing slab subsoils If the cause subsidence or cracks is caused by weak subsoils, it can be solved with TOPINJECT Ground Stabilization. The method calls for injecting the soil in a raster manner causing the ground to gain a sufficient load bearing capacity. The injections do not endanger the floor structure, however guarantees that the subsoil has become sufficiently stabilized. This method will stabilize a floor even if the subsoil is weak to a great depth. The method can be used up to 7 meters of depth. For special project even deeper soil layers can be stabilized. Stabilizing slab subsoils Ground stabilizationwithout moving out If the cause subsidence or cracks is caused by weak subsoils, it can be solved with TOPINJECT Ground Stabilization. The method calls for injecting the soil in a raster manner causing the ground to gain a sufficient load bearing capacity. The injections do not endanger the floor structure, however guarantees that the subsoil has become sufficiently stabilized. This method will stabilize a floor even if the subsoil is weak to a great depth. The method can be used up to 7 meters of depth. For special project even deeper soil layers can be stabilized. Stabilization of building and machine foundations Injection under factory machinery Using various resins, we have successfully stabilized uniquely built, deep building foundations, machine foundations and pits. The resins used by us our capable of stabilizing the most massive machine foundations. The operation of the plant is minimally or not at all disturbed by the injections. Therefore a number of auxiliary costs can be saved, which positively effects the bottom line of the company. Our firm is ready to hold a presentation for your company, where we will present a solution to your problem. Advantages of the TOPINJECT technology: Inventory is no obstaclefor TOPINJECT The TOPINJECT technology can be applied in any season – even in -20 °C winter The work is clean No debris is created, therefore disposal is not a problem Economical method with less auxiliary expenses The injection equipment can be 100 m from injection point Many cm of lifting is possible for floors and dividing walls The work does not affect the activities in the commercial and production facilities The work can be performed at night or on weekends to avoid reduction in traffic The furnishings, equipments and machinary does not need to be removed. There is minimal dust and noise We create complete documentations We always stay within the deadlines Does not require a large establishment area We only occupy the premises when the TOPINJECT work is happening Fast execution, if needed we can work 24 hours a day (3 shifts). We are happy to hold presentations to your company or engineering group about the TOPINJECT technologies Soil densityexamination in factory Deeper soil layerscan be handled Fuel stations can stay openduring TOPINJECT work Lifting of floor With our firm you have found a reliable partner for your projects. Turn to us with confidence! On these pages we have introduced the technologies. If you would like know more about the methods, or would like a quotation, please choose from the following possibilities. I would like to request a quotation for a specific job REQUEST A QUOTATION If you would like more information about the technologies please click here.